
No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.” 

Join us Sundays at 10am

The light of Christ in us sees the light of Christ in you!

Following the teachings of Jesus, we heartily welcome everyone into God’s beloved community. Whatever your race, ethnicity, nationality, age, physical or mental ability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, spiritual understanding, socioeconomic or marital status – whoever you are and wherever you come from, we celebrate you and welcome you into the full life and ministry of our church, Forest Grove United Church of Christ!

Land Acknowledgement

At Forest Grove United Church of Christ, we honor the Atfalati
Kalapuya people on whose traditional and ancestral homelands we stand. We acknowledge we
are here because of the sacrifices forced upon them. In remembering the original people of this
land we honor their legacy, their lives, and their descendants with the forming of relationships to
each other and the living world. It is our aspiration, our responsibility, and our commitment to
transforming any institutional legacy of violence that we may bear as a church into an expression
of truth-telling, reconciliation, and restitution today.